Sunday, December 7, 2008

1 December 2008

The past week was fairly interesting. Thanksgiving, you know. Last Monday was my first day back to work in eleven days because my boss was out...

I got a lot of letter writing done during that break. I finished off my Christmas letters - it's a lot harder when you have to hand write 30 :o) - you know the ones, where you glorify yourself and your children, talk about how perfect life has been this year.

That's me. See, my son is excelling in school this year and I'm almost finished with beauty school. The only way it could be better would be if we were together, of course.

So, we worked a strenuous and tiresome 2 1/2 day week due to Thanksgiving. Believe me, I was giving thanks for time off of work!! It's amazing because you'd think, being in here, I'd want to work every day but, alas, it is not so. You see, no matter where you are in life, it's always so nice to have time off!!

Thursday was Thanksgiving, yay!! Definitely one of my top ten favorite holidays. The food was good though. Real mashed potatoes, not instant; stuffing, real turkey, not pressed meat!! and to top it off, pumpkin mousse. Tho' I'm not a big sweets person so I traded mine for extra potatoes. :o)

Ooh they also played Hellboy II on Thursday...On holidays and weekends they play a new release on an in-house station.

Then Friday, that was the weirdest day because at about 9:ish my roomate went to "the hole." It's sucky living by yourself in a concrete room. It's colder and echo-ier and lonelier. But, oh well, the solitude is also nice. So, Friday, I watched IRONMAN!! I enjoyed it so if you hated it, well I can't think of anything nice to say so I won't say anything at all.

Saturday!! Started off great, I watched Baby Mama with my friend and then had a superfun visit in the afternoon from a friend I hadn't seen in almost five years.

I got back just in time to listen to the Civil War game - Oregon & Oregon State!! I don't really feel like talking about it now tho' as I'm still hoping for an upset where UCLA beats USC and the Beavers can still make it to the Rose Bowl. Everyone cross your fingers - GO BEAVS!!

Sunday was fun, my friends threw me a b-day party - tomorrow is my real one - I turn 29, for the first time. :o) Then in the evening I had a visit from one of my very best friends, Missy. Usually her husband, Jeff, comes along - he, along with his brothers and sister are the closest thing to real sibs I've ever had. I've always been jealous of kids who had a bro or sis.

Anyway back to the visit, they try to come every Sunday but sometimes Missy or Jeff come alone and that's always fun, too. You know how it is when two women get together, especially when it's only rarely!! :o)

Don't work too hard, don't sit too long, and always, always love too much!

1 comment:

susan said...

Hi Michelle!

I haven’t met you before, however your words express to me the quality of person you really are. Claire Jones and I are part of spouse association from our husband’s school, she mentioned your blog and I am glad I checked it out. As a religion person, when I read your comments, I thought about one of greatest men in the bible, Joseph of Egypt. He was exposed to different cruel situations, sold by his brothers and even put in prison. Those events could had been devastating for him, however, he kept the faith, hope and did he best he could with his circumstances just like you. I admire you, I believe that you will accomplish your goals and succeed in you life. Merry Christmas and I wish you an even better year.

Susan Davis